Republican Party

In ‘correcting’ GOP metaphors, liberals reveal their denial

By John Stoehr / October 19, 2022 /

Democrats and liberals just have to keep on keeping on even when, or especially when, keeping on keeping on is exhausting.

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On the debt-ceiling, the Republicans are willing to wreck the economy but the Democrats are unwilling to stop them

By Noah Berlatsky / October 19, 2022 /

It doesn’t have to be this way.

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Democrats were right to ‘interfere’ in GOP primaries

By Matt Robison / September 28, 2022 /

Critics of the gambit presumed there’s daylight between Republicans.

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Republican anti-democrats are telling us who they are. Are we listening?

By John Stoehr / September 21, 2022 /

The GOP’s ulcerous paradox.

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Tim Ryan and the Democrats becoming the consensus party

By John Stoehr / September 20, 2022 /

The Republican way used to be the way. Not anymore.

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What in the world is Lindsey Graham thinking?

By John Stoehr / September 14, 2022 /

His proposal would not only ban abortion nationally after 15 weeks, it would, in effect, ban democratic politics.

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Ken Starr, janus-faced moral hack, is finally dead

By Erik Loomis / September 14, 2022 /

In short, Starr’s feelings about sexual crime depended entirely on whether he liked the person who committed it. 

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David Brooks and the decay of white boomer politics

By John Stoehr / September 9, 2022 /

The stand-in for a fading political order is bewildered by politics, a sign of the GOP’s half-century dominance may be coming to an end.

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A Democratic president who does not back down changes everything

By John Stoehr / September 6, 2022 /

After “The Speech,” bothsidesism may be a sign of hope.

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Why the Republicans hate Biden’s college debt plan

By Noah Berlatsky / August 30, 2022 /

It threatens the social hierarchy and established order.

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