Republican Party

America’s future: less democracy nationally, more democracy locally, plus violence and blood

By John Stoehr / December 9, 2021 /

My interview with Sea Change Radio’s Alex Wise.

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Lose Roe, lose right to privacy

By Mia Brett / December 9, 2021 /

Abortion, birth control, Internet usage, same-sex marriage, sexual privacy and even healthcare privacy are on the line.

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Are Republicans heirs of Lenin?

By John Stoehr / November 29, 2021 /

Not quite, but the comparison is instructive.

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Throw Veterans Day away

By John Stoehr / November 11, 2021 /

Vonnegut was right. Armistice Day was better.

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This is what the Republican Party does so well. It exploits white supremacy to divide and conquer a republican union

By John Stoehr / November 3, 2021 /

What are we going to do now? 

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‘Parents’ rights’ are not for moms

By John Stoehr / November 2, 2021 /

Just men — and their women.

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There’s always someone out there willing to make the GOP’s fascism seem respectable

By John Stoehr / November 1, 2021 /

It’s hard to pick one apologist to pick on.

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Your friendly neighborhood sociologist: How moral panics sustain immoral action

By Rod Graham / October 27, 2021 /

They also serve a broader purpose.

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With new anti-CRT laws, the Republicans give the impression they stand against brainwashing. But their goal is brainwashing

By John Stoehr / October 27, 2021 /

“Critical race theory” is 21st-century McCarthyism.

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What is gerrymandering and why does a democracy allow it to be used to protect white power?

By Mia Brett / October 21, 2021 /

A legal history of congressional district map-making.

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