Lindsay Beyerstein

Lindsay Beyerstein covers legal affairs, health care and politics for the Editorial Board. An award-winning documentary filmmaker, she’s a judge for the Sidney Hillman Foundation. Find her @beyerstein.
In a group of nearly 60 people facing serious prison time, at least some of them will be willing to implicate the higher ups to save themselves.
Coverage of the latest from the J6 committee lacks urgency.
Let’s hope he stays true to his vision.
January 6 was one part of a coup attempt planned out in the open. Its procedural component was widely reported in the weeks beforehand.
He’s invoking privilege he doesn’t have.
The Wisconsin GOP is mad about election officials following the law.
John Eastman co-wrote the blueprint for how Donald Trump could use the military, the police and criminal gangs to hold onto power.
War games often reveal more about the players than they do about the future, and this exercise is no exception.
The GOP’s cutesy catchphrase.