Lindsay Beyerstein
Lindsay Beyerstein covers legal affairs, health care and politics for the Editorial Board. An award-winning documentary filmmaker, she’s a judge for the Sidney Hillman Foundation. Find her @beyerstein.
Inside the 248-page motion to dismiss his claims of privilege.
The rightwingers want you to think they’re the same. Yeah, no.
New recording shows insurgents storming the US Capitol intended to pressure Republican lawmakers into overturning the election.
It’s recognizable in totalitarian regimes overseas.
It’s hard to see anyone reading the judge’s scathing analysis and doubt whether a criminal investigation is necessary.
The former president isn’t a kingmaker. Mo Brooks is a loser.
The latest smear of a US program to help former Soviet republics.
Even if it had been stolen, fomenting insurrection is still illegal.
If ordinary goons are guilty of disrupting an official proceeding, then the ringleaders who incited them are guilty as well.
The con keeps rolling, even if the trucks do not