Lindsay Beyerstein

Lindsay Beyerstein covers legal affairs, health care and politics for the Editorial Board. An award-winning documentary filmmaker, she’s a judge for the Sidney Hillman Foundation. Find her @beyerstein.

The GOP response to Trump’s conviction is incoherent until you remember the conspiracy theories that animate it

June 6, 2024 /

It’s time to state the obvious, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

Extreme apocalyptic rhetoric is everywhere and it’s dangerous

April 23, 2024 /

It’s so normalized it’s hard to draw causal connections between rhetoric and violence, writes Lindsay Beyerstein. That’s the point.

More Republicans are literally demonizing opponents

March 29, 2024 /

We laugh about the Satanic Panic, but we’re living through something much worse, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

IVF makes a mockery of anti-choice extremists

March 4, 2024 /

Warehouses of frozen embryos put a lie to their central dogma that a fertilized egg is a person, writes Lindsay Beyerstein. 

A convention fight is a pure pundit’s fantasy

February 22, 2024 /

It’s time to shelve the childish fantasies and focus on the task at hand, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

Special counsel finds a way to turn Biden’s willingness to cooperate into a smear

February 9, 2024 /

The DC press corps is taking the emotionally charged impressions of a two-time Trump appointee at face value, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

Trump attorney, now cooperating with prosecutors, wrote detailed instructions on how to steal the election in Nevada and Arizona

December 14, 2023 /

At times, Ken Chesebr was astonishingly candid about how outrageous his plan was, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

Another billionaire, another round of Jew-hatred

November 20, 2023 /

Elon Musk is emulating Henry Ford, a car mogul who bought a media platform to spread antisemitic libels, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

Snitching gets you everywhere

October 26, 2023 /

The defections of three well-placed co-defendants in the Georgia RICO case is a huge blow to Donald Trump, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

The Claremont Institute is behind the right’s ‘Red Caesarism’ craze 

October 13, 2023 /

It was at the forefront of Trump’s J6 coup attempt and it’s leading the charge to end democracy in America, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.