Lindsay Beyerstein

Lindsay Beyerstein covers legal affairs, health care and politics for the Editorial Board. An award-winning documentary filmmaker, she’s a judge for the Sidney Hillman Foundation. Find her @beyerstein.

Trump’s climate of intimidation

October 3, 2023 /

And it’s getting ridiculous, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

Impeaching Biden is a tired Trump play

September 28, 2023 /

The point is smearing the president, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

Antisemites have a ‘captive audience’ in Musk

September 14, 2023 /

He’s following the footsteps of generations of conspiracy theorists.

Welcome to the Uterus, America’s newest national park 

September 12, 2023 /

A judge borrows from environmental law, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

Anthony Fauci rebuked Rand Paul, and it still stings

August 25, 2023 /

Two years later, the Kentucky senator wants him prosecuted.

Fear not, the right to lie is safe

August 11, 2023 /

It’s about what Trump did, not what he said, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

Using abortion, red states try to expand power over blue states

July 28, 2023 /

What’s stopping them is a Democrat in the White House.

For the House Republicans, the scientific method itself is now evidence of conspiracy

July 19, 2023 /

They seized on a snippet of a researcher’s email in which he and colleagues tried to disprove the lab leak theory. Yes, that’s science.

Robert F Kennedy, antivaxer extraordinaire, can’t help himself

June 30, 2023 /

Reputational rehab wasn’t going to be easy, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

We need gun control, not perverse legal precedents

June 8, 2023 /

Criminalizing ordinary people in impossible situations is grotesque.