Lindsay Beyerstein

Lindsay Beyerstein covers legal affairs, health care and politics for the Editorial Board. An award-winning documentary filmmaker, she’s a judge for the Sidney Hillman Foundation. Find her @beyerstein.

Terrorism is an attempt to intimidate a civilian population to achieve political ends. Trucker siege checks those boxes 

February 18, 2022 /

Trudeau has finally acted decisively.

Trump committed crimes when he took ‘top secret’ files. If prosecution is ‘politicizing the law,’ then he’s above it

February 11, 2022 /

If any other government employee were caught with a trove of classified documents, they would face criminal investigation.

Trump’s roundabout confession to the crime

February 7, 2022 /

Meanwhile, the GOP is rewriting that horrible day’s history.

Federal prosecutors are now investigating fake Electoral College certificates, the latest clues that could lead to Trump

January 28, 2022 /

Similarities in language and formatting between the fake certificates suggests a far-reaching conspiracy orchestrated at the national level. 

Fake paperwork is just what federal investigators need to climb atop the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election

January 20, 2022 /

In a group of nearly 60 people facing serious prison time, at least some of them will be willing to implicate the higher ups to save themselves.

Yes, it’s absurd, but fraudulent certificates are still fraudulent

January 14, 2022 /

Coverage of the latest from the J6 committee lacks urgency.

Merrick Garland sees the big picture

January 6, 2022 /

Let’s hope he stays true to his vision.

Revelations by the House Select Committee risk drawing attention away from GOP legislators who aided and abetted a failed coup

December 16, 2021 /

January 6 was one part of a coup attempt planned out in the open. Its procedural component was widely reported in the weeks beforehand.

He was set to testify about a PowerPoint outlining step-by-step Trump’s failed coup. Then Mark Meadows chickened out

December 9, 2021 /

He’s invoking privilege he doesn’t have.

The Republicans are taking their terror campaign to the next level

November 23, 2021 /

The Wisconsin GOP is mad about election officials following the law.