March 17, 2020 | Reading Time: < 1 minute

Use Pay Pal to support my work!

Some of you want to support my work here at the Editorial Board without having to subscribe to daily editions of the newsletter. Others have already subscribed—enthusiastically!—but want to do more. Luckily, there’s now a way to do both. You can now support politics in plain English for the common good by sending funds directly…

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Some of you want to support my work here at the Editorial Board without having to subscribe to daily editions of the newsletter. Others have already subscribed—enthusiastically!—but want to do more. Luckily, there’s now a way to do both.

You can now support politics in plain English for the common good by sending funds directly to my Pay Pal account. At, you can send any amount you want when you want. You can also see a picture of a very bearded me with a very cute 8-year-old daughter, who doubles as my secretary (when she’s feeling like it).

ERS tells me she’s willing to draw a picture reflecting her feelings about the current president. (Totally unprompted, I swear) she said she’d draw Donald Trump with girls and black children behind him in handcuffs, because he’s “so sexist and racist.” (To be honest, I’m not sure how to feel about that. Children can say the damnedest things.) The first person to paypal the Editorial Board, oh, say, $100, get ERS’s drawing!

This is my job now. This is what I do. Please be generous, but in any case, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading and supporting the Editorial Board!

John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him

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