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Trump’s Alternative ‘Patriotism’
Pete Buttigieg goes where few Dems have gone.
Trump Shuts Down the Presidency
He shut down the government to get his way, and failed. He’s failing again.
Impeach for Broken Promises? Yes
For the oath of office and much more.
No, Dems Are Not Split
On impeachment, they behave like real constitutional conservatives.
Justin Amash Is Not ‘a Watershed’
He’s not doomed either.
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An Abortion Backlash Is Brewing
Women powered 2018. They may do it again next year.
Beating Trump Won’t Stop What’s Coming
Turning women into second-class citizens is only the beginning.
What Will Leftists Do if Biden Wins?
Nothing, probably, except vote for him in the general election.
Farm-State Senators Are Vulnerable
“New markets” for entrepreneurial Democrats.