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Republicans Betrayed Themselves
No point in being a Republican if you can’t brag about tax cuts.
The Dumbest Advisor Ever?
Stephen Miller makes a strong case for himself.
Can a Woman Win?
We can’t know till we try.
When a ‘Purge’ Isn’t a Purge
Permanent agency heads have power. Temporary ones don’t.
Everyone Loses with Sadism
Like fascism, it’s a terrible theory of governance.
To Trump, Threats Are Policy
To Democrats, policy is policy.
Women Are Explaining
Unthinkable that Democrats would turn back now.
Barr Loses Benefit of the Doubt
Can you trust a president you already think unfit?
Dems (Finally) Rethinking Joe
How party elites are telling a party elder not to run.
How Fox Warps Political Reality
The Democrats face more than Donald Trump