John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. He writes the daily edition. Find him @johnastoehr.

The Anti-Moral Free Press

July 16, 2019 /

What would happen if a reporter were killed? More of the same?

How Dems Let GOP Dictate Agenda

July 15, 2019 /

On immigration, the Democrats fear doing the right thing.

Don’t Buy It. The Religious Right Isn’t Moral

July 12, 2019 /

Morality motivates the religious left. Power motivates the religious right.

Megan Rapinoe’s Christian America

July 11, 2019 /

Given the evil we face, we need to recognize the religious left more than ever.

Let’s Just Say It. The Republican Party Wants to Kill You

July 10, 2019 /

“Be honest about what it means to lead a country—it means killing people.”

Elite Indifference to America

July 9, 2019 /

Jeffrey Epstein could not exist in a country truly dedicated to equality before the law. 

Jeffrey Epstein and the Corruption Rotting America

July 8, 2019 /

Is it any wonder our country is vulnerable to fascism?

Cold-Blooded Partisan Can Win

July 5, 2019 /

Politics isn’t fair. The Democratic Party needs to remember that.

‘Christians’ against Poor Migrant Kids

July 4, 2019 /

“Astonishing” that white evangelicals like Trump’s policies? Nope.

In Defense—Ugh!—of Ivanka

July 3, 2019 /

She’s not as marginal as some elites want you to believe.