John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. He writes the daily edition. Find him @johnastoehr.

SCOTUS Isn’t the Final Say

September 18, 2019 /

The first thing to reform is the mistaken belief in “judicial finality.”

There Are No ‘Socialists’ in the Dem Party

September 17, 2019 /

The pundit class is overlooking where the collectivists are.

The GOP’s Corruption of SCOTUS

September 16, 2019 /

We now know Senate Republicans sandbagged the FBI.

Trust Black Voters

September 13, 2019 /

The party’s transformation will go on even if Biden is president.

It’s (Mostly) the Morality, Stupid

September 12, 2019 /

We overvalue the economy’s predictive power in politics.

9/11 and the Betrayal of the Elites

September 11, 2019 /

The west’s “crisis of confidence” isn’t due to globalization.

No, Trumpism Isn’t Socialism

September 10, 2019 /

The GOP moves toward a sinister kind of collectivism. 

Don’t Pathologize Trump

September 9, 2019 /

He’s not lying because he’s mentally ill. He’s lying because he likes lying.

The GOP’s ‘Flight from Freedom’

September 6, 2019 /

Recognize what it’s done or there’s no moving forward.

On Guns, Dems Open Overton Window

September 5, 2019 /

Some are taking a position formerly unthinkable for presidential candidates.