Members Only | December 27, 2022 | Reading Time: 5 minutes
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has outlived her usefulness
Biden and the Democrats have assimilated progressive politics.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a polarizing figure among liberals and Democrats. Some, like me, see the New York congresswoman as a useful figure representing young people and progressive politics. Others doubt her intentions and generally see her as a pain in the ass. Others still see her as giving leftwing cover for rightwing goals.
Though I have understood the complaints, and though I haven’t agreed with them, I have thought whatever cons there are have been reasonable trade-offs for the pros. I don’t want Democrats getting comfortable. If AOC gets their backs up with the truth, so be it.
But her latest vote has me rethinking.
She may have reached the end of her usefulness.
Voting against a lot of good
Ocasio-Cortez voted against the nearly $2 trillion spending bill needed to keep the government running through September of next year. That legislation is usually called the omnibus. She was the only Democrat in both chambers of the US Congress to vote against it. We expect that from conservative gadflies like West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, but they voted for it.
On considering the full context, we are left to ask why the most progressive member of the Congress (arguably) voted against the most progressive year-end spending bill anyone can remember.
That’s fine, but why? Here’s what she said: “I campaigned on a promise to my constituents: to oppose additional expansion and funding for ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] and DHS [the US Department of Homeland Security] – particularly in the absence of long-overdue immigration reform. For that reason, as well as the dramatic increase in defense spending which exceeds President Biden’s request, I voted no on today’s omnibus bill.”
Again, that’s fine, but what does the omnibus do for ICE and DHS. According to the Post, “it provides $800 million for shelter and other emergency services for migrants at the Department of Homeland Security, with additional sums meant to improve refugee processing.”
Lucille Roybal-Allard is the chair of the House subcommittee on homeland security. She said in a statement that, “I am especially proud of the work my colleagues and I have done to provide robust funding to support asylum seekers, refugees and other immigrants.”
Uh huh.
According to Government Executive magazine, the omnibus boosts funding for the Border Patrol by “a whopping 17 percent.” But for what? Three hundred new Border Patrol agents Joe Biden says are needed “to handle the record-high numbers of migrants crossing the US-Mexico border.” As for ICE, none of the funds in “those distinct appropriations could be used to hire permanent federal employees.”
All right.
According to the National Immigration Justice Center, the law “requires ICE to make data publicly available regarding its use of solitary confinement for people deemed to be members of ‘vulnerable or special populations,’ including the number of days ICE holds individuals in solitary confinement, the basis for the use of solitary, and the process for re-evaluation of placements.”
That seems like … a good thing.
Moreover, the omnibus provides “$20 million for FEMA to administer the Case Management Pilot Program, a new program currently under development by an NGO-led board that is intended to provide community-based case management services for asylum seekers and immigrants in removal proceedings.” The legislation also raises funding to “$750 million for legal services, post-release services and child advocates for unaccompanied children in HHS custody.”
That’s a lot of good to vote against.
A bonanza for progressive priorities
But OK.
Maybe it was a protest vote. The omnibus does give more money to DHS. Her constituents, many of whom are immigrants, don’t like DHS. She gave them what they wanted. The omnibus was going to pass anyway, what with a handful of Republicans crossing the aisle to support it. There’s nothing wrong with some political symbolism.
I buy that.
Or I would.
If the omnibus were not a bonanza for progressive priorities.
Here’s a list I compiled from public sources. The omnibus:
- Raises the cap on Pell grants by $500.
- Increases the budget for National Labor Relations Board, a labor oversight agency, for the first time in 10 years.
- Boosts funding for the arts and anti-monopoly efforts.
- Gives $3.5 billion to the FDA to fix the baby formula shortage.
- Provides $39 billion to the DOJ to investigate domestic terrorism and prosecute J6 insurrectionists.
- Allots $58.7 billion for “roads, bridges, pipes, ports and internet connections,” per the Post, plus $10 billion for clean water.
- Secures $27 billion to respond to recent natural disasters, including Hurricane Ian, which hit Florida’s gulf coast, and Hurricane Fiona, which devastated Puerto Rico. Ocasio-Cortez’s family heritage is Puerto Rican.
- Averts a lapse in Medicaid funding for US territories, including Puerto Rico. It matches funding on the island for five years. It makes permanent that matching for other US territories.
- Allots $10 billion for the Environmental Protection Agency, “a $576 million increase from current funding,” the Post said, and $46.5 billion for the Energy Department. Ocasio-Cortez is the chief architect for the progressive “Green New Deal.”
- Includes the Growing Climate Solutions Act, which helps farmers to store and contain carbon emissions on their land.
- Activates the Electoral Count Reform Act, which is throws up more obstacles against objections to state electors.
- Requires businesses to create policies so workers are enrolled in 401K retirement account unless they opt out.
- Activates the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. It outlaws workplace discrimination against pregnant people. That’s a BFD. It requires employers to make time and space for those who breastfeed to pump. That’s another BFD.
- Provides $8 billion in assistance to poor people who can’t afford childcare. It provides nearly $12 billion for Head Start.
- Appropriates $5 billion to help poor people with energy costs.
- Establishes permanent summer food assistance. It provides a grocery stipend of $40 a month per child tied to inflation. It changes rules for summer meals in rural areas, per CNN.
There is virtually nothing in the omnibus that meets the Republicans’ spending priorities, first because they don’t have many, and second, because the ones they do have mostly focus on military spending.
So yes, the omnibus bill provides more funding for defense than Biden asked for, but that’s a reasonable trade-off for a bonanza of money for progressive priorities that will help people who need it, and for issues long starved of government attention and funding.
Outlived usefulness
Which brings us back to Ocasio-Cortez.
The most generous reading of her statement explaining why she voted against the omnibus still must account for why she chose to omit any or all of the facts above, especially items related to issues that she says are dear to her, such as climate and women’s rights.
The most generous reading must also account for her voting against programs at the Department of Homeland Security that are intended to lend aid and comfort to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. She said he honored her campaign promise to vote against the government’s abuse of immigrants while failing to vote for them.
But the most generous reading cannot account for these things.
Indeed, on considering the full context, we are left to ask why the most progressive member of the Congress (arguably) voted against the most progressive year-end spending bill anyone can remember.
Here’s what I think.
California Congressman Ro Khanna, a staunch progressive, told Bloomberg recently that Joe Biden has “worked to earn a lot of trust from progressives. He’d have the support of the party, of many of us in the party, if he runs again, and I expect him to run again.”
So the Democrats have assimilated progressive politics. It is now a feature of the party, where it was once a bug. Joe Biden has no serious challengers from the left, despite hysterical concern-trolling about his age and fitness, because he has evolved into a progressive president who does not appear progressive to most Americans.
In 2018, progressives like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez seemed fresh, even revolutionary. At the time, I believed they were a much-needed bulwark against the Democrats’ tendency to preemptively cave to GOP demands. With Donald Trump as president, and with the Republicans embracing fascism, the party needed progressives.
But a lot has changed. They don’t seem as useful.
Perhaps Ocasio-Cortez can sense it.
That’s why she chose symbolism over progressivism.

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him
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I could not agree more, but I think the exact moment she became truly useless was after she implied Nancy Pelosi was a racist. I think the Bernie Sanders-style of politics is actually deeply toxic and divisive.
A politician in that style of politics assumes they are morally superior to all others. They are the true arbiter of what is moral and what is not. They seem to actually believe this and it allows them to do incredibly selfish things in the name of their own superior morality.
AOC believes, quite literally, that she is morally superior to each one of those other democrats who voted, and every single other person basically. The Bernie Sanders-style politician is always morally superior to ALL OTHERS.
Bernie himself literally got Trump elected in the name of his moral superiority and smashed ego. He did far, far more harm than good in the end. I would say that’s been pretty true of his entire political career. He has done more harm than good. We are not better for him, we are worse off.
I disagree both with the article, and Jake’s comment above. As a labor-centric Democrat more concerned with economics than identity politics, I don’t shoot the messenger just because she delivered the message. And I am particularly not infected with the Bernie-hatred that afflicts a segment of the Democratic Party and that blames him for everything wrong everywhere. THAT irrational hatred is what costs us elections, not Bernies’s pushing Democrats back to their New Deal roots and way from the neoliberalism the party has embraced for the last 30+ years while it hollowed out the country. Supporting Bernie at any point in the past is cause for some critics to become really unhinged.
“So the Democrats have assimilated progressive politics.” Really? Pray tell, where is a national minimum wage indexed for inflation, where is a national ban on right-to-work-for-less state laws intended to hurt unions, collective bargaining, and workers in general? Where is the PRO Act? Where is any meaningful campaign finance reform? Where is any meaningful curbing of corporate abuse? Why did Biden (who I think is the best president since Harry Truman) give the shaft to railroad workers who were just asking for SICK DAYS? This list could go on for pages.
$15 can’t even get passed. The minimum wage should be north of $27 for everybody and that’s what it would be if it were adjusted for inflation from the time I started working. One person working a 40-hour week should make enough to support a family of four. Enlisted military eligible for food stamps? We need to lessen wealth inequality and curb extractive, exploitative capitalism. And break up monopolies and oligopolies.
Fact is, some of our progressive “lions”, like James Clyburn, are the biggest recipients of corporate largess (bribes, in his case from Big Pharma). Zoe Lofgren protects Silicon Valley’s abuses from reform. Many socially progressive Dems are economically conservative corporatists at heart. The Black Caucus is no longer the avant-garde for reform that it once was. And don’t even get me started on conservaDems like Josh Gottheimer. And we wonder why baby steps are the absolute best we can get in a good year.
And let us not forget, when we had limited floor time in Congress and and a choice to make over what to pass, Dems picked passing a statute to enshrine the right to gay marriage (can still be challenged in the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court) over preserving the world economy by increasing the debt limit or even abolishing it. The Republicans in the House in 2023 will surely make us regret that choice.
The Democrats are all about identity politics. The type of true structural reform we really need? Not so much.
AOC has made her mistakes but I can’t wait to vote for her, or a reformer like her, for president. In the mean time I will continue pushing the party to the economic left and voting in the primary for the bluest viable Dems possible and then voting Dem in the general.