Search Results: the criminal former president

Trump can’t stay awake at trial, which is far less demanding than being president. That’s the story

By Stephen Robinson / May 4, 2024 /

He isn’t “compartmentalizing,” writes Stephen Robinson.

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Tonight, the president is going to lie to us

By John Stoehr / February 7, 2023 /

That should be the takeaway, but it won’t be.

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Democracy isn’t the only thing on the ballot. So are criminals

By John Stoehr / October 11, 2022 /

Replacing a democratic rule of law with a fascist one.

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Three-judge panel says Donald Trump can’t sue his way out of a criminal investigation

By Lindsay Beyerstein / September 29, 2022 /

Appeals court slams Trump-appointed judge for abuse.

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The former guy has no claim to the current executive’s privilege

By Lindsay Beyerstein / September 12, 2022 /

In a privilege fight between a sitting president and a former guy merely defending himself, the former guy should lose every time. 

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Trump is president for life. Just ask him

By John Stoehr / September 1, 2022 /

By claiming to have declassified government secrets, he refuses to recognize the authority of the current president

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Another Al-Qaeda leader is dead thanks to another Democratic president. Yet the Republicans are the party of national security

By John Stoehr / August 2, 2022 /

The party of an open, democratic society can’t be patriotic.

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Face it, impeachment doesn’t work. Trump proved Congress can’t check a criminal president

By Trent R. Nelson / February 2, 2022 /

Impeachment has never been helpful. It might be harmful, though.

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Cheney hints at criminal charges for Trump in panel vote to hold Mark Meadows in contempt

By John Stoehr / December 13, 2021 /

But perhaps the biggest news was that the vote was televised.

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It’s now clear Trump’s intent was criminal

By John Stoehr / September 10, 2020 /

Where can normal Americans turn for justice?

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