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Hi! I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become…

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Hi! I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become…

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Hi! I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become…

In case you missed it, save 40%

Yes, it’s happening. And yes it can be stopped—if we all raise enough hell. Here are the stories you might have missed this week. MONDAY AUG. 10Prepare for a permanent pandemic Abnormal politics means no return to normal. TUESDAY AUG. 11Where is the ‘master of the Senate’? Turns out Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are…

It’s really happening

I’m hiking in a place akin to Eden, but I had to stop to tell you. This is sabotage in real time, my friends. A headline just in from the Post: “Postal Service warns 46 states their voters could be disenfranchised by delayed mail-in ballots.” The nut graf: “The Postal Service sent letters to most…