John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. He writes the daily edition. Find him @johnastoehr.

Systemic Presidential Lawlessness

April 25, 2019 /

Trump plans on “fighting all the subpoenas.” What now?

To Fight Fox, Champion Free Press

April 24, 2019 /

Get reporters to see the threat of an “authoritarian news system.”

Impeachment Is Coming

April 23, 2019 /

The beginning stages of a much longer process are already underway.

Impeachment as Senate Strategy

April 22, 2019 /

Force GOP Senators to choose between party or country.

To Impeach, Flood the Zone

April 19, 2019 /

Dominate the attention of the mainstream press.

Impeach Barr First

April 18, 2019 /

Trump is lawless. So too seems America’s top cop.

All Politics Is National Now

April 17, 2019 /

Can Mayor Pete Buttigieg make the most of it?

Russia Paved the Way for Sanders

April 16, 2019 /

The costs of winning should not include help from enemies.

Republicans Betrayed Themselves

April 15, 2019 /

No point in being a Republican if you can’t brag about tax cuts.

The Dumbest Advisor Ever?

April 12, 2019 /

Stephen Miller makes a strong case for himself.