John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. He writes the daily edition. Find him @johnastoehr.

Hyde-Bound Biden Is OK for Now

June 6, 2019 /

It won’t sink him any more than previous flubs did.

Just Keep Debating Impeachment

June 5, 2019 /

Argue well and for good reasons. The public will come around.

Don’t Negotiate with Fascists

June 4, 2019 /

No compromise with people equating democracy with suicide.

With Tariffs, Outcomes Don’t Matter to Trump

June 3, 2019 /

All that matters is looking tough on immigrants.

In War Over Judiciary, Liberals Are Losing

May 31, 2019 /

They pretend there’s no war and pretend they didn’t lose.

Trump Concedes He’s Illegitimate

May 30, 2019 /

It was an accident, surely.

What Mueller Is Really Saying

May 29, 2019 /

Congress must judge Trump’s criminality as well as his legitimacy.

Saving Democracy Takes More Than Unseating a President

May 28, 2019 /

Things are better, and worse, than you think.

Trump’s Alternative ‘Patriotism’

May 24, 2019 /

Pete Buttigieg goes where few Dems have gone.

Trump Shuts Down the Presidency

May 23, 2019 /

He shut down the government to get his way, and failed. He’s failing again.