Rev. Daniel Schultz

Rev. Daniel Schultz is the Editorial Board's resident chaplain and a minister in Wisconsin. He writes the Dandadad newsletter. Follow him @pastordan.

When it comes to the ‘rage’ of white rural voters, liberals may not be asking the right questions

May 22, 2024 /

Democrats and progressives need to do more intentional work on developing solidarity with them, writes Rev. Daniel Schultz.

Doom is a virus

March 6, 2024 /

It saps the will when you need it most, writes Rev. Daniel Schultz.

The pandemic isn’t over till it’s over for everyone

May 23, 2022 /

On Dr. Anthony Fauci’s flub.

Calvin, covid and preserving your place in the racial hierarchy by getting yourself killed

April 6, 2022 /

The theologian and autocrat said “perversity in us never ceases, but constantly produces new fruits.” Lord, is that ever on the money.

The battle over race is the cancer afflicting American civic health

August 17, 2021 /

Everything in politics has come to revolve around the question of whether the society should be governed b a white Christian minority.

Do we want to be the kind of people who turn our backs on vaccine resistors and say ‘Let ’em die’?

July 29, 2021 /

Be angry. But keep listening.

PRRI report says white evangelical Protestants are coming to their senses? Yeah, don’t hold your breath

July 19, 2021 /

The religious triumphalism is premature.

No, white evangelicals are not in rapid decline

July 12, 2021 /

But keep an eye on white Catholics in 2022, writes Rev. Daniel Schultz.

White supremacy is about systems, not intentions. Joe Biden seems to understand the difference

May 5, 2021 /

God willing he’ll inspire others to see it, too, writes Rev. Daniel Schultz

Glenn Grothman is very bad, or very good, at explaining why the GOP opposes DC statehood

April 30, 2021 /

Don’t know the Wisconsin congressman? Bless you, says Rev. Daniel Schultz.