Noah Berlatsky

Noah Berlatsky writes about the political economy for the Editorial Board. He lives in Chicago. Find him @nberlat.

To fight corruption, Congress should give itself a raise

February 22, 2022 /

We need to encourage less wealthy people to enter service.

To US oligarchs, majority views on taxing the rich count for little

February 14, 2022 /

If we fail to restrain the corruption of moneyed elites, the United States may go further down a path that’s difficult to retrace.

The pandemic, not public spending, is driving inflation

February 9, 2022 /

Supply chain issues are global. So are rising prices.

Why do we expect so much sacrifice from teachers?

February 1, 2022 /

Valuing an educated public means paying teachers fairly.

Covid has shown us how badly our education system harms the republic when some kids in it are treated better than others

January 25, 2022 /

A country with a zero-sum attitude toward education is a country ill-equipped to respond with civic responsibility to a pandemic. 

Want people to get vaccinated? Pay them

January 12, 2022 /

We should value every life. 

Enough already! Spend the money to vaccinate the world

January 5, 2022 /

The United States can’t protect the public health of its residents without protecting the public health of everyone else.

Let them eat debt

December 28, 2021 /

That canceling student debt would be a massive transfer payment is a statement that the government should do more for average families.

Want to end the Great Resignation? End the pandemic

December 20, 2021 /

It’s not a problem that can be solved by making the lives of poor and working people, and immigrants, more miserable. 

The president’s low approval is democracy working. Voters are holding him accountable

December 14, 2021 /

The problem is a Republican Party that’s not promising to do more to fight the covid pandemic. It’s promising to do less.