Noah Berlatsky

Noah Berlatsky writes about the political economy for the Editorial Board. He lives in Chicago. Find him @nberlat.

Where’s that recession at?

April 5, 2023 /

We should focus on programs, not predictions, writes Noah Berlatsky.

Punish the hungry?

March 28, 2023 /

Free school lunches work, writes Noah Berlatsky.

The White House should include education and health care in its fight against hidden fees

March 21, 2023 /

They warp whole sectors of the economy, writes Noah Berlatsky.

Help for rich depositors? Yes. For student loan debtors? No

March 13, 2023 /

The Silicon Valley Bank fiasco reveals who counts in America.

We can’t enforce our way out of a child labor crisis

March 8, 2023 /

A well-regulated labor market is needed, writes Noah Berlatsky.

Will AI overthrow its capitalist overlords?

March 2, 2023 /

The fear of Bing is fear of a worker revolution, writes Noah Berlatsky.

‘Culture-war issues’ are human-rights issues worth fighting for

February 23, 2023 /

Remember this, Democrats.

Nice words are nice

February 16, 2023 /

Corporate leaders say they care.

The GOP is coming for your Social Security and Medicare

February 8, 2023 /

The GOP is coming for your Social Security and Medicare. 

With SNAP proposal, Iowa Republicans reveal contempt for the ‘undeserving’ poor

February 1, 2023 /

A chance to take food out of their mouths, writes Noah Berlatsky.