Claire Bond Potter

Claire Bond Potter is the Editorial Board's politics historian. A professor of historical studies at The New School for Social Research in New York City, she is the co-executive editor of Public Seminar and the publisher of Political Junkie. Follow her @TenuredRadical.

The Republican Party seems willing to absorb as many legislative losses as possible. Why?

March 23, 2021 /

The reason is as cunning as it is cynical, writes Claire Bond Potter

Why does the right insist Biden is senile?

March 16, 2021 /

Why it’s not about his age.

Republicans know their new ‘culture war’ isn’t fooling anyone, much less Republicans

March 3, 2021 /

Claire Bond Potter explains how we’ve been here before.

The gender politics of public tears

February 24, 2021 /

Dry eyes ruled the Trump era. Now crying is back.

Is impeachment about ‘regime change’?

February 10, 2021 /

Yes, Claire Bond Potter says, but it signals a restored Democratic Party, too.

Why conservatives love ‘the slippery slope’

February 5, 2021 /

Claire Bond Potter says it teaches Americans to fear government.