Brandon Bradford

Brandon Bradford covers the politics of urban and environmental policy for the Editorial Board. A renewable-energy projects expert and manager living in San Jose, Calif., he's also a relentless fried chicken sandwich snob. Follow him @BrandonLBradfor.

Beware of ‘trickle-down equality’

November 11, 2021 /

The same magical nonsense as trickle-down economics.

It’s really bad, many will die, we have to ring the alarm but even after we do, it’s going to get worse before it gets better 

August 26, 2021 /

Instead of a full-on freak out into despair, though, let’s break it down.

Everyone’s already subsidizing cars. How about we subsidize more and better public transit instead?

August 2, 2021 /

Let’s stop neglecting this no-brainer.

We need more housing. We need more housing. We need more housing. We need more housing

July 12, 2021 /

We need more housing, writes Brandon Bradford.

Joe Biden has a once-in-a-lifetime chance to unite the working class in a global race against China

June 22, 2021 /

We now have a collective goal, writes Brandon Bradford.