John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

After Trump’s Election, a Smarter Republic

April 23, 2018 /

The people are reassessing the abstract theory of Trump in light of the pragmatic experience of him.

So Much Depends on Intellectual Dishonesty

April 20, 2018 /

If sanctuary cities were breaking the law, there’d be reason for rage. They aren’t. Plus: ‘social cohesion’ and more on tyranny.

Tyranny. This Is Tyranny

April 19, 2018 /

Name this evil.

The Left Wants to #AbolishICE. It Should Want Open Borders, Too

April 18, 2018 /

All the old arguments–over the wall, amnesty, “illegals”–would die. Hallelujah.

To Get Around the Electoral College, Ignore It

April 17, 2018 /

Look to Maine for a better alternative.

Trump’s Positive Impact on the Press

April 16, 2018 /

Bad journalism led to the worst president in US history, but thanks to him, journalists are rethinking journalism.

Will Trump Fire Mueller? Get Ready

April 13, 2018 /

As we brace for crisis, remember that it’ll all come down to a question of trust.

Should We Impeach Trump? It Depends

April 12, 2018 /

We can’t know until we know more, and besides, the Republicans aren’t sticking around to find out.

Will the Republicans Turn on Trump? Depends If There Are Any Left

April 11, 2018 /

Paul Ryan’s retirement might spark a new wave of exiting Republicans.

What Will the Republicans Do If Trump Fires Mueller?

April 10, 2018 /

We have some idea. Recall how they panicked after Trump fired Comey.